Carfax Advantageā„¢ Dealer


Carfax is the vehicle history expert for used car buyers, sellers and the automotive industry. Carfax created the Vehicle History Report in 1986 and is trusted by dealerships across North America to help acquire, advertise and retail used cars.

The Carfax Advantage™ Dealer Program distinguishes Carfax-subscribing dealers that are committed to transparency. Through the program, participating dealers can set themselves apart from their competition. Used car shoppers know they can buy with greater confidence when shopping at any Carfax Advantage dealership.

As part of the program, participating dealers have unlimited access to Carfax Vehicle History Reports and Carfax Auction Quick Check, plus a Consumer Information Pack for every car being retailed.

According to recent research, more than 80% of used car shoppers surveyed said they would prefer to shop at a Carfax Advantage dealership. Our TX Carfax Advantage dealer has another way of building confidence with used car buyers and help customers make faster buying decisions.